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Alpha Camper

Virtual summer camp 2023 for students in grade 3 and above. For younger kids (SK to grade 2), see our Mini Camper schedule here.

Each session is 1.5 hours long. 5-6:30 PM each day.

If you wish to enroll your child(ren) in multi-week programs, please let us know so we can coordinate our classes to build on previous lessons.

In the intermediate level, once students are comfortable with the abstract concepts and fundamental of coding, we will delve into AI and use ChatGPT.


5-day camp: $245 + tax
4-day camp: $196 + tax


Week 1 (July 3-7):

Week 2 (July 10-14):

Week 3 (July 17-21):

Week 4 (July 24-28):

Week 5 (July 31-Aug 4)

Week 6 (Aug 8-11) (4-day camp; holiday on Aug 7th):

Week 7 (August 14-18):

Week 8 (August 21-25):